Letter from the editor


  • Martina van Heerden University of the Western Cape


Welcome to the second issue of WritingThreeSixty for 2020. This special issue is centred around the theme of the Covid-19 Lockdown which has affected all of us. After our call for papers in the previous issue, we received a record number of submissions. Interestingly, poetry was overwhelmingly the preferred medium for expressing thoughts on the effects of lockdown. In this issue, you will find a selection of poems, as well as a short story and a research article.
This will be my last issue as editor-in-chief; I hand the reins over to Stephanie Williams, our social media manager. I have been with WritingThreeSixty since 2015 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I leave knowing that the journal is in very capable hands!
Best Wishes,
Martina van Heerden


How to Cite

van Heerden, M. (2021). Letter from the editor. WritingThreeSixty, 6(2). Retrieved from https://www.epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/997